Wednesday, December 05, 2007

New Year's Resolutions Revisited

As the year comes to an end, I am looking back at the resolutions I set for myself at the beginning of the year in an attempt to assess how successful, if at all, I was with them. I had three rather simple resolutions. My resolutions were: (1) Write more poetry, (2) Draw more, and (3) Join a gym, work out, lose weight, and get in shape.

This year I wrote 4 poems! I would say that even writing one poem this year would have been a success. As for my second resolution of drawing more, I would consider this a success also. I did draw more even though I was in school for half of the year. I did a lot of practicing this year and am working on an important picture for my Dad as I am writing this post. (ok, maybe not this very second, but you get the point) My last resolution, join a gym, work out, lose weight, and get in shape. This resolution was a partial success. I did join a gym, success! I have lost 8 pounds this year and kept it off too, success number two! It would have been more weight lost, but my weight was much like a roller coaster for about the first half of the year. I would lose 3 pounds then gain 2 back then lose 2 pounds and gain 1 and so on and so on. I have lost 11 pounds since moving to Oregon. I work out occasionally. I was working out consistently 3 to 4 times per week until the person that I was working out with quit and gas prices became astronomically high. I would say that this part of the resolution is a partial success. I am not in shape yet, but I am getting there and am in better shape now than I was 1 year ago. I don't think that this part of the resolution is a success, but maybe it perhaps could be considered a partial success since I am in better shape now than I was.

I am definitely proud of myself for the success I had with my resolutions this year. Overall, I successful with my resolutions. I plan on keeping the same resolutions for next year in order to see if I am more successful with them next year. How did you do with your resolutions this year? Were you successful or did you crash and burn?


At 11:37 PM, Blogger Cele said...

Hey you are hanging in there with your resolutions. Mine was to write more. A poem a week and two blogs a week. Here's looking to 2008.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Jazzy said...

I am hanging in there with my resolutions. I need to get back into the gym, but other than that I am still doing everything that I resolved to do this year. Here's to keeping it going through 2008!

By the way, I sure hope that you are staying dry over there!

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

Good job on your success, J~

I don't make resolutions at new years, although...I did make a resolution to eat sandwiches or soup rather than burgers and fries at lunch during the weekday, and damned if I haven't lost a pants size. So I feel like that's a success. I feel better too.

Now if only I could motivate myself to join a gym or get off my couch more...

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Jazzy said...


Thanks! I would say that your resolution was a success. One step at a time... Hang in there, I know that you will achieve even more success. It sure is a great feeling to go down a pants size, isn't it?

I can tell you from personal experience that it is not easy to motivate yourself! I wish I were there so that we could motivate each other!


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