They will be missed...NOT!
AHHH! The blissful silence! I am basking in it! They are finally gone! Can you believe it?? I bet you thought the day would never come. ...But, it does, and when it does, we should rejoice and be thankful it is finally over!
You know what I am talking about, don't you???
Yep, Election Day!
The day we can get out there and tell the "MAN" what we think! I have never been so happy to see a day end in my life! No more stupid campaign ads on TV! We can finally reclaim our evenings without being interrupted every 30 seconds with another attempt to smear one's competitor across our screens. I not only had to put up with all the dumb ads in Oregon, but I had to also put up with them in Montana. The Montana ads were much worse! The senate race there was tight, and the ads were terrible (Smear City!). I am going to enjoy this little break enormously! What shall I do with my TV time now! I may even watch a commercial instead of flipping channels!!! What a concept!
Enjoy this little break all because the next election campaign it just right around the corner!
Fun Times Will Be Had By All!
Oh, so glad to have it all over and done with. I had it in double doses. As a program director in a radio station, I had it all day and all night long too. You are so right the silence is bliss.
Sigh. I voted democrat for the first time...and he won. Sigh.
The Montana races were quite thrilling. I didn't see any of the ads, though, and I wasn't going to google or check out YouTube to see how bad it got.
The ads might be gone, but now we get to hear the gnashing of teeth and the moaning about the results of the election.
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