Monday, October 16, 2006

It's About that Time of Year Again!

Well, it is almost that time of year again. That time of year that women all over the country dread! Yep, that's right, I am talking about the dreaded Hunting Season! This is the one time of year that men begin to grunt and scratch uncontrollably. These men turn our sweet, little, innocent sons into a grunting, scratching mini version of themselves. It is sad really.

Of course, there are two types of hunters. The "sportsman" who hunts for the trophy and the sport of it, and the "hunter" who hunts for the food (and the trophy, because you know it is all about the horns!). My husband hunts for the food. The deer, antelope, and elk that he gets fills our freezer for the entire year (and then some most of the time).
My man is no different. He began to grunt and sratch uncontrollably the minute that he began making plans to take a vacation to travel back to Montana to fill his tags, and my son has spoken of nothing except going hunting with my husband since the subject first came up! There should be a limit of what we widows of Hunting Season have to put up with from our men and boys!
The Widow Season, as I like to call it, began in September for me but will last longer for others! I sympathize with you all! Just know that you are not alone. There is a therapy out there for us widows. This therapy has been around for ages! It is called SHOPPING! I suggest that while your men are out hunting, you go and get some therapy in!!! Get as much therapy as you need! And remember, the Widow Season only comes around once a year!


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Cele said...

Oh Jazzy, sooo true.

My second husband is a bow hunter (or was, I think his back finally gave out.) He would begin hunting with spring bear, and finish with something in late December. He was gone for 7 months out of the year. I barely noticed when he divorced me.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

LOL, I almost spilled my pop out my nose! You should've warned me you were about to make me laugh!


At 1:34 PM, Blogger Jazzy said...


You definitely had it worse than I have it now. At least this year I don't have to submit to him buying a new gun. He is like a kid in a candy store when he goes to get his bullets.


Sorry, :) I should have warned you not to consume liquids while reading this post. :)

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Cele said...

I learned a long time ago not to drink while blog hopping, it is disasterous for...

1) your nose
2) your make up
3) your puter screen

Jazzy, my ex use to case his own slugs and load his own bullets. He was quit the slob at times. I made him move his equipment out into the garage after I accidently shot my vaccum cleaner with a stray (store bought) .22 round which had been dropped lost in the shag carpet.

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Jazzy said...


Ok, your story is a little scary! I would have to put my foot down if my man wanted to load his own cartridges. Good thing it was just your vaccuum that got shot!


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