Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What would you give up?

I saw this report on one of the morning shows this morning, and it started me thinking about what I would (or could) give up. In the report, a couple was asked to give up using their cell phones for one week. I thought to myself, "Ok, 7 days, how hard could that be?" This couple was completely addicted to their cell phones. They racked up over 4000 minutes per month. That number is huge! This couple goes so far as to call each other from different rooms in their house! (Now, that is a little extreme) I don't even use 4000 minutes in 4 months let alone in 1.

I pose this question to all two or three of you who read my blog. What would you give up for one week? And, could you do it without cheating? It would have to be something to which you are addicted like blogging or emails. I would be willing to try giving up the use of my computer for a week, but I have a feeling I would cheat! For me, I will admit that I am completely addicted to my computer. I go online multiple times a day to blog or to check emails. Giving up the use of my computer for a week would be cutting me off from the world outside my house! That statement is extreme and is not completely true, but... all you bloggaholics out there know exactly what I am talking about.

I can sympathize with the couple from the report because I know how hard it was for them. I know I would probably cheat at least once, and yes, the couple both cheated at least once during the week they gave up their cell phones. There should be a 12-step program for these addictions. OH WAIT! There is...we have bloggaholics anonymous, don't we! Oh, that makes me feel so much better, and I think maybe I could give up emails and blogging for a week after all. Oh no! I just remembered that we meet online.

I would be willing to try to give up my computer usage for a week, but I would also admit that if the computer were left in my house I would more than likely cheat.

How about you? What would you try to give up for a week? Could you do it without cheating?


At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently gave up television for 2 weeks and didn't really miss it.

But giving up blogging? I am doubtful I could give it up for a day unless I had a week beforehand to blog myself half to death so that I wouldn't miss it too much for those 24 hours...

I gave up food for three days once (in fact I did it several times). I drunk only water for just over three days. It's not as difficult as you might think.

But I couldn't give up blogging. And if I did I would think about it constantly. It's almost a love affair.

Without the good bits...

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Jazzy said...

I am not sure my kids could give up television for 1 week let alone for 2 weeks.

I love to eat, cook, and bake, so I am not sure if I could fast.

I agree with you about the blogging too.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Cele said...

uh-oh! If I had one of those weeks where it was supreme chaos at work and I had long hours where no one let me think or eat or sleep I could probably quit breathing. Sure I mean who needs to breathe, anyway? But give up my computer? No way Josè! And hey I need my computer at work.

Now give up TV, yeah no problem. I've been known to forgo General Hospital for years on end and still consider myself a faithful fan. But my computer? No way. My cellphone? Heck, I'll give you my homephone too. My mail? No prob here's my post office box key. My husband. Now wait, I'll keep him. Sugar for a week, sure as long as it is Midnight Saturday to 9pm Friday.

But do not take away my blogging.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Jazzy said...

I could give up tv. Funny thing with soaps. You can stop watching for years and come back after years and watch for one day and be all caught up.


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