Monday, October 06, 2008

Balancing Act...

I am still alive, just in case anyone was wondering. I have been super busy with a LOT going on lately. I am still selling lia sophia jewelry, but recently I got a very good job with U.S. Bank as a Project Manager. I LOVE my new job!! I am making more than I was when I left my last job. I get three weeks vacation next year. I am a salaried employee, okay that may not exactly be a plus since I don't get paid overtime. I started at a higher class/job level than I was at in my last job. I am in a satellite location. My boss is in Ohio. The BEST part of my new job is that I am able to work from home when I need to! If my kids are sick or I am sick, I can work from home! How cool is that?!!!

Last weekend my husband and I moved yet again! There was a moment this last summer when we were going to move back to Montana, but my new job changed those plans. We moved back into the school district that my kids have been in since moving to Oregon. YUCK! I hate moving, although this time we had help and my husband was actually here!! woo hoo!! We are now in an actual house again, not a townhouse, and have a yard for the kids to play in!

Well, hopefully as things settle down, I get all unpacked, and we get into a nice routine again, I will be able to post more often and maybe I will even have some new art or poetry to post!


At 7:32 AM, Blogger Sister Mary Lisa said...

I'm SO GLAD things are looking up! Congrats on the new job!

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Cele said...

Hey hey Jazzy I had wondered where you went to. Rose and I both thought you'd jumped in to chat a few Friday night's ago, but not.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Jazzy said...


Things are looking up, but we definitely have a ways to go. Financially speaking, money is TIGHT! I do love my job though!


I did jump into Friday night chat a while ago, but you and Rose weren't on yet. I couldn't stay, so I just asked that you be told that I said "hi." Friday night has kind of turned into a date night for me and Barry, so it is hard for me to make the chats now. I have not forgotten about you, and I do miss our chats!

I leave on Sunday morning, early, for Ohio for meetings. Then, in a couple weeks, I go to Reno, and two weeks after that, I go to Salt Lake City. Plus, I am trying to get a couple of Shows booked for lia sophia.

I will be taking my drawing with me on my trips in order to get some drawing done while I am on the road. I will share when I get back, and I have to share C.'s birthday cake with you that I decorated. I have to say that it turned out pretty good and can't wait to share it. I will post it before my trip to Ohio.


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