Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Earliest Memory - Talk Thursday

My friend Cele invited me to participate in Talk Thursday. This week's topic is "My Earliest Memory." I have a couple of memories from when I was little, maybe three or four years old.

The first memory involves my brother. We were arguing in our front yard. I am not sure what about. He may have been picking on me. He dared me to say the "F" word, so I did but not before my Mom heard me say it. Well, I don't have to tell you that she was not very happy. When I told her that my brother made me do it, he got in big trouble. I think he ended up getting grounded. I distinctly remember him watching me play outside from the front window, and I remember waving to him. I know it was not nice, but hey, what are little sisters for!!

The other memory that I have is from my Mom and Dad's grocery store. My parents bought the store when I was three years old. I basically grew up in that store. I spent every weekend and every summer at that store. I remember when I was really little that my Mom used to let me ring up newspapers. Newspapers were the only things I was allowed to ring up because they cost 25 cents, and I knew what a quarter was. I had to kneel on the counter that the groceries would be set on after being taken from the carts and only then could I reach the till to ring up the newspapers. Thankfully, the customers were very nice and patient! At the time, I thought it was great fun, boy what the heck was I thinking!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Home Sweet Home!!

Oh boy, do I love this!! At times since moving to Oregon, I have felt like I was back home in Montana, and yesterday was no exception!!

Yesterday, it started raining but quickly turned to snow. The snow was beautiful!! The flakes were huge and fluffy!! It looked like great big, fluffy cotton balls falling quietly from the sky. It snowed all day and into the night! We had somewhere between 4 and 6 inches of snow. Of course, the kids got their wish to have a snow day today. It is suppose to start snowing tonight around midnight, and they are estimating that we should get another 2 to 4 inches of snow again. Oh joy, the kids could have another snow day tomorrow! My husband took a picture of my car to show the guys that he works with because they would have never believed how much snow fell here yesterday.

It looked like a Winter Wonderland outside today! I LOVED it!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

MEME in Randomness!!

I was tagged by Cele, so here it goes!!

Ten things about yourself:
1. Name: Jazzy
2. Birthday: May 6, the day before my brother-in-law’s and the day after my uncle’s
3. Where do you live: Oregon
4. Right or Left handed: I am left handed, although I have had to learn to write and do other things with my right hand out of necessity (been hurt too many times and not able to write with my left hand)
5. Favorite color: blues, purple, yellow, green, okay all colors
6. Favorite sport: watching my son play baseball, and my daughter play soccer
7. Biggest Fear: spiders, duh!
8. Status: married
9. Do you have a crush on someone? my husband (most days)

Your last....
1. Cigarette: many, many years ago
2. Beverage: coffee, this morning and tea last night
3. Kiss: my husband last night and my kids last night when they said “good night”
4. Hug: my husband last night and my kids last night when they said “good night”
5. Movie seen: Flags of Our Fathers, a stocking stuffer from Santa to my husband, and Mr. Brooks
6. CD played: Dixie Chicks and Mig
7. Song listened to: Landslide by the Dixie Chicks and Baby I Love Your Way by Mig Ayasa
8. Bubble bath: hmmm last? Over a year and a half ago before we moved to Oregon! I think I am way overdo!!!
9. Time you cried: I hate to admit it, but the last time I cried was the night before last. I was having a bad case of low self-esteem!

Eight Have-You-Ever's:
1. Dated one of your best friends or wanted to? No
2. Skinny dipped: Sadly, no
3. Kissed somebody and regretted it: Oh My GAWD, yes!!! Who hasn’t!!
4. Liked someone you knew you couldn't have: Oh My GAWD, yes!!! Who hasn’t!!
5. Been overseas: Sadly, very sadly, no
6. Dressed in costume: yes
7. Been drunk: yes, and I don’t recommend it! The recovery is not fun!!
8. Run away: No, but I have been tempted to run away, far away!!

Two Things That You Want To Be When You Grow Up:
1. Loved!
2. Financially Comfortable!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Check out this artist...

I haven't blogged about artists that inspire me yet, but there is a first time for everything. This last summer when my family and I were on vacation on the beautiful Oregon coast, we stayed the night in Salem on our way home. That night we ate at a restaurant called Alessandro's Ristorante and Galleria. I saw the art of Tina Palmer on the walls. It is so beautiful and inspiring! Looking at her artwork makes me want to draw and paint until I can't hold a brush or pencil any longer.

Here is link to some of Tina Palmer's art:

Check out her artwork! I hope you like it half as much as I do.
