A Treat to Myself...
The last time we were in Montana I had lunch with Sister Mary Lisa and T at our most favorite restaurant. We had salad, naughty sticks, and naughty sauce, and in the words of Rachel Ray, YUMMO!! OK, I am getting distracted here... I mentioned at the lunch or just afterwards that I was going to get a tattoo after I graduated. I decided to design the tattoo myself. Once I had the tattoo designed, I had to select a tattoo artist. Of course, I wanted the best since it would be with me for a while. Well, my honey settled this dilemma for me after talking to the guys with which he works. My man got me a gift certificate for the tattoo to the recommended tattoo artist for our anniversary. I went to the shop after my anniversary design in hand, after looking at the artist's portfolio on the web of course, a little nervous not knowing what to expect. After talking to the artist, I set an appointment to get the tattoo done, and I also had to modify my design (but only slightly). My original design was too small for what I wanted done, but the size that the artist said the tattoo would have to be was bigger than I wanted the tattoo to be. After I re-designed my tattoo, I took the new design back to the artist and was very happy to hear that it would work as I designed it, but unfortunately, I would have to wait a month before actually getting my tattoo because the artist was completely booked for a month. I thought that the day of my appointment would never come, but it finally did. Surprisingly, I was not nervous as I drove to the tattoo shop. It has now been two weeks since I got my tattoo, and it is healing nicely! I was surprised that it really did not hurt all that badly when I was getting it done. So now I want to know... what do you think of it?? I got it on my lower left calf by my ankle on the outside of my leg.
I LOVE it and yes, I would get another one.