Whisper Sweetly
Whisper Sweetly
I whisper sweetly soft and low,
playing music to and fro.
My face and eyes are all aglow.
I feel love, so much I can’t show.
To keep you safe, I say a prayer.
As you grow, the more I care.
Your life is felt, I can’t compare.
You are a gift, I can’t yet share.
From God above, you came to me.
You’re in me and soon will be,
to love and grow for all to see.
The precious gift He sent to me.
The time is near to have you here.
Day by day you are more clear.
The day draws close, I have no fear.
I’m so happy, I shed a tear.
Butterflies flutter here and there.
I feel you move and just stare.
I want to show you that I care.
Mother’s love nothing does compare.