Workout Woes...
Today was the first day in a few weeks, yes weeks, that I have gone into the gym and worked out. I stopped going during the last few weeks of school (too tired and busy). On the bright side, I have not gained any weight! Unfortunately, I found out Friday that my workout buddy will not be going to the gym until further notice. She is going through some major personal issues right now and will not be going to the gym and does not know when she will get back into the gym (if ever!). I decided, however, even before I heard from her on Friday that I would begin going to the gym on my own because I have to do what is right for me. What is right for me right now is getting into the gym and working out! I feel better physically and mentally everytime I finish a workout. The hard part is actually getting myself into the gym not the working out part. I love to work out, but I have a hard time getting to the gym. I have promised myself that I will go in after I get off work 3 to 4 times per week, rather than getting up at the butt-crack of dawn! I am obviously not a morning person, which my hubby can and would attest to! Now that I am done with school, I can get into the gym and do something for myself that will make me feel and look better. Going to the gym for me is my time to focus on myself (for a change)! It is good to have that little bit of alone time each week.