Happy Halloween!
Every year on Halloween, I am reminded of my childhood experiences Trick or Treating. I can remember having to wear my snowboots every year on Halloween because there was always snow on the ground. I remember trudging through snow sometimes up to my knees practically every year. Talk about cold! BUT, we loved it, and really the cold never seemed to bother us at all because we were having way too much fun!
Lately, I am reminded of my own kids' past Halloween experiences. They have had to endure wind and cold every single year. I can remember it being so cold that we only drove to certain houses so that they could Trick or Treat, and they could also at the same time show Grandpa and Grandma their costumes.
This year is our first Halloween in Oregon. The neighbor is going to take the kids with him and the kids' friend, R., so that I can answer the door at home and give away all this candy that I bought. I think it is suppose to rain today too, which I have to say is better than snow. My daughter is going as a tiger this year. We are even going to paint drops of blood around her mouth so that it looks like she was just out on a hunt! My son is going to be a phantom. Spooky! My daughter loves all the scary movies and spooky stories around Halloween. (My son, not so much!)
The best part of Halloween, in my opinion, is when you get back home and your mom has a nice hot cup of cocoa waiting for you, and you sit down and recount all your Trick or Treating adventures with her while warming up with your cocoa. I love it!