Saturday, December 30, 2006

One Week To Go!

I have been in class for five weeks now. I only have one more week to go. I was really worried about my week five paper. This paper was the second part of an 18 week project required prior to graduating this M.B.A. program. I was worried about this most recent paper because I was not sure that I had read the syllabus correctly, and I was almost maxed out on my word count. I did not proof the paper myself either which I paid for in the grading. I got dinged a little bit for a couple minor grammar errors. The paper itself was worth 15 points, and I was able to pull out a 14.6. (Not bad considering I did not proof read the paper and finished writing it the day that it was due!). I ended up with a 96% overall in the class after week five. I only have one week left to go in this class. I have one more paper left to write and just a few days of participation left to do. I wish the week was over already. After this class, I have just two more classes (only 12 weeks) left in the program. I never imagined that I would ever make it this far!

I hope that my wrist holds out until after I graduate! I have a gangling cyst on the top of my left wrist. I have been holding off getting it taken care of for a year and a half - two years. I wanted to finish this program before I did anything with it in case I have to have surgery to get rid of it. The problem is that I am left handed, and I can't type very well with one hand. The more I use my hand the worse it feels. It sometimes hurts so bad and swells so much that I have a hard time bending my fingers. I am just scared that I will not be able to hold out until after graduation. I just have to take everything one week at a time.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock

As the last few days count down to Christmas, I just wanted to take a minute during the last big push to the end to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season filled with lots of love and peace. I hope everyone is done shopping, wrapping (although I am not done wrapping yet), and baking. I hope you all enjoy the time you have with your families. I hope that for those of you who are not able to spend the holidays with your loved ones that you are reunited with them soon. I hope you all take a little time and relax this Holiday season and have some fun.

Remember, to laugh often and love much!

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

All I Want For Christmas

Every year, my husband asks me what I want for Christmas. You would think that because we have known each other since elementary school and been together for 12 years that he would know what to get me without asking me.

One year, he got me a comforter (blue on one side and green on the other) because I like those colors. He also got me an office chair that year (oooohhhh, how romantic!). The best thing that he got me that year was the perfume. The perfume was not bad (if you are 100 years old). He did not pick it out because he liked how it smelled. He picked it out because it came with a free watch! Let me just say that the watch was really cheesy, and I never wear it. (yes, cheesy, the gold is rubbing off!) Last year, I gave him a list. I told him to only get me the things on the list! I did not want to take any chances.

So, because it is our ritual now, he asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year. I have no clue, so I told him that I didn't want anything. I honestly think that I am asking for trouble here; you would think that I learned my lesson after the cheesy watch. My husband is one of those men you see on Christmas Eve shopping for their wives (my husband is really just wandering around the store because he has no idea what to get) at Walmart because it is the only store open. He informed me that he will be shopping on Saturday night for me. My thought was "Wow, you are really planning ahead this year aren't you!" At this point, I am seriously doubting that he has a romantic bone left in his body because he has done so many romantic things for me in the past. (ok, that was a little sarcastic) I think the romantic bone broke the second we got married! Oh well, I have gotten really good at faking that I like the presents that he gets me. Hey, maybe this is the year that he actually gets me something that I like (or want) without asking me or getting a list from me! Hey, a girl can dream!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I'm Ready!

I did not think that I was ever going to get done today, but I did it! It took me all day, but I am finally done! Check it out:

1. Clean my house (so that it is Party ready!) - DONE
2. Make the Peanut rolls (it is a two-day process) - DONE
3. Make the grebble (it is a two-day process) - DONE
4. Make the Holly cookies - DONE
5. Make the dipped pretzels - DONE
6. Make the peanut butter cups - DONE
7. Make the sugar cookies - DONE
8. Make the hot artichoke dip - TOMORROW
9. Make the crabby cocktail cream cheese dip - TOMORROW
10. Wrap the presents for my husband's employees - DONE
11. Fix my Dad's clown (no, I still haven't fixed the eyes that I wasn't happy with) - DONE
12. Spray my Dad's clown - DONE
13. Mail our Christmas cards - MONDAY
14. Wrap my Dad's clown - TOMORROW
15. Mail Christmas presents home - MONDAY or TUESDAY
16. Write the major paper that I have due this week - TOMORROW AND MONDAY

The dips are better fresh, so I will be making those tomorrow afternoon before the party. I will be mailing the Christmas cards out on Monday since tomorrow is Sunday. The clown has to dry over night to ensure that it is completely dry before I wrap it. The boxes with the Christmas presents are ready to go, but I can't mail until Monday (but it may be Tuesday so that I can get my paper done. I now have a couple of days to get my paper done (I am not stressed about it yet).

My feet and hands are killing me. They are so sore. My back hurts too. I did not sit down until after 9 PM tonight, and I still had to get back up and make the peanut rolls and frost the sugar cookies. I am just glad that I don't have much to do tomorrow, and I can concentrate on my paper. I will be glad when this week is over, and I am on winter break so a couple of weeks.

Friday, December 15, 2006

A Rare Skill!

I have a skill that I have been able to master. Well, I had to master it in order to get my work done at my job. I have the rare skill of being able to multi-task. I should be a professional multi-tasker. I can juggle and complete many tasks at the same time. I have two days to get the following completed:

1. Clean my house (so that it is Party ready!)
2. Make the Peanut rolls (it is a two-day process)
3. Make the grebble (it is a two-day process)
4. Make the Holly cookies
5. Make the dipped pretzels
6. Make the peanut butter cups
7. Make the sugar cookies
8. Make the hot artichoke dip
9. Make the crabby cocktail cream cheese dip
10. Wrap the presents for my husband's employees
11. Fix my Dad's clown (no, I still haven't fixed the eyes that I wasn't happy with)
12. Spray my Dad's clown
13. Mail our Christmas cards
14. Wrap my Dad's clown
15. Mail Christmas presents home
16. Write the major paper that I have due this week

I think that is all that I have to do. The problem that I have is time! I am running out of time in which I have to get our presents home in time for Christmas. I can't send them until I get my Dad's clown fixed, which is the reason that those items are on the list. The dips will be done on Sunday, so they are super fresh for the party. I have until Monday at midnight to get my paper turned in, and yes, I have pushed the time deadline a few times. The rest of the list I want done by Sunday so that I have Sunday day for the last minute items such as tidying up the house, the dips, and of course my paper. I will be putting my multi-tasking skills to the test over the next couple of days. I hope they don't let me down!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Greatest Gift

C., Peanut, & H. (Christmas-2006)
You are God's greatest gift to me. I love you both more than you will ever know. You both amaze me everyday. I have truly been blessed with you. You are helpful (even with the chores), loving, and kind. You are understanding, even when I know you are disappointed. You are truly God's Greatest Gift.

God's Greatest Gift
You may think you know God's greatest gift. It isn't the trees, mountains, or rivers. It isn't the birds, deer, or bears. It isn't even the oceans or the life they hold.
God's greatest gift gives us happiness all the days of our lives. His gift gives us the most incredible unconditional love everfelt. His gift trusts us, loves us, and treasures us.
God entrusts His gift to our care, to love, and cherish, and keep from harm. He blesses His gift with a "uniqueness" onl He can give. He gives us love through His gift ten-fold.
God's greatest gift is the precious little lives He blesses us with. We should thank God everyday for the greatest gift He gives us.
I know I do.
Copyright ©2006 J. S.
I love you both...up to the stars and back!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Two weeks to Go!

Hooray! Only two weeks left of this class. (Except that it will be interrupted by a two week holiday break) I am not complaining at all! I need the time to get things done for Christmas.

I am just excited because I realized that I only have 14 weeks left in this program! Wow, I never thought I would make it this far.

On a side note:
Our grades came out for week three! At the end of week 3 just half way through the class, I have a 94% in the class.

Well, my team has a paper due tonight. Back to the grind I go!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Party it Up!

My husband is in charge of the company Christmas party this year because he is the manager. We have decided to have everyone over to our house for a little get together. The store is small so space should not be a problem, and everyone can bring something for the party (which will help to reduce costs). We are making it a B.Y.O.B. party because I just don't want that expense on my bill. I am doing the cookies and goodies along with a couple of yummy dips. I think I am drawing on family power here because I will have enough to choke a horse! I am making the following tasty treats!

1. Peanut Rolls (Old Family Tradition)
2. Grebble (Old Family Tradition)
3. Holly Cookies
4. Frosted Sugar Cookies
5. Butter Cookies
6. Peanutbutter Cups
7. Dipped Pretzels
8. Hot Artichoke Dip
9. Crabby Cocktail Cream Cheese Dip

Yep, I will have my hands full all week long between juggling all the baking I am taking on and school work. I know that I can do it. I have taken on a lot more than this in the past. It just takes a little bit of creative time management and organization. I think I will be able to muster up enough ingenuity to get this all done. I think the party will be fun, and it is cheaper than taking everyone out to dinner.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Story of Giving!!

I love my son! He is SO generous! My son got $30.00 from his Grandma L. Instead of wanting to run to Toys 'R Us to buy himself a game or toy, he wanted to save his money. Little did I know what he wanted to do with that money. He has the biggest heart I have ever seen in a child of 9 years of age. His school had a Santa's Gift Shop at the school. The kids were able to buy small gifts there for Christmas. My wonderful son took $10.00 to the gift shop and bought a Christmas gift for his sister, his dad, me, his little cousin J., and his favorite soccer playing cousin J. His first thought was not of himself but rather of his family. He loves to give to others. His level of giving is rare in today's world, let alone of someone his age. I believe that H. will do some great things in his life! I know because he already is!

Talk about the true meaning of Christmas!

Friday, December 08, 2006

It's Back!!

OK, I was feeling better for about a week, and yesterday the stupid cold I have been fighting now since Thanksgiving week is back. My nose is running, and I sneeze all dang day! I am sick of this crap! I have no idea how I caught the cold, since I never leave the house. All I want to do is lay around and do nothing, except sleep on occasion. Unfortunately, I have school work to do, which I better get done so that I can rest.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

If I could give up one thing!

If I could give up one thing, I would give up taking care of the checkbook and paying the bills! You have no idea what just the simple task of balancing the checkbook does to me. I do it ONLY because I have to, and my husband claims he doesn't know how. (I think he is full of SH--!) Anybody who can add and subtract can balance a stupid checkbook! I perservere and get through it some how, but I really just want to curl up in the fetile position in the corner and cry! It doesn't matter what the balance is, but I just hate doing it! (Go figure, I worked in a bank for 16 years. You would think that I would have a different outlook on the whole thing!) I don't mind balancing other people's checkbooks. Balancing someone else's checkbook doesn't stress me out at all.

The daunting task which comes after you balance your checkbook is paying the bills. (Come on, admit it, you love it as much as I do! I am amazed that I haven't ended up in a mental ward yet! (Well, it could still happen. There is hope for me yet!) Paying the bills is a job that I hate worse than balancing the checkbook! I think that my family has learned that when Mom pays the bills stay clear from her because she could blow higher than Mount Vesuvius on a bad day!

The world would be a much better place without having to pay bills and balancing a stupid checkbook!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Day In My Life

My days are filled with tasks and chores. Some days are better than others, but I am still working on making my routine more efficient so that I have more free time.

A typical day is spent in the following way:
1. Get up and make breakfast for my kids.
2. Make sure they are ready for school and get them off to school on time.
3. Iron an outfit for my husband.
4. Blog (Gotta make time to blog!)
5. I finally get to eat a little breakfast myself!
6. Make my bed and pick up my room
7. Get dressed, finally out of my pj's
8. Do the dishes
9. Do the weekly chores (Sometime run errands, other times start school work)
10. Let my puppy out
11. I finally get started on school work
12. I work on school work until the kids get home from school
13. I help kids with their homework (Sometimes run errands)
14. Make dinner
15. Work on school work some more! (the fun never ends)
16. Go to bed, try to read but fall asleep immediately
17. Get up the next day and do it all over again!!

Fun Times! I know you are jealous, come on admit it! You wish you too could have my glamorous life. My dining room table is my desk, and I am usually at my desk most of the day. Like I said Fun Times!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Time Is Running Out!

Just 20 days left until Christmas! I have most of my shopping done. I just have my kids and husband left (everyone else is done, including those presents I wasn't planning on buying!) I already have some presents for the kids. I just need to fill in so that their presents are even.

Every Christmas, my family has traditions that we have carried on from my grandmother. I helped her make peanut rolls and grebble every year . I have carried on that tradition every year since the year she could no longer do it. It just would not be Christmas without peanut rolls and grebble.

This Christmas has been a little tough for me because it will only be the second Christmas that I will not be spending with my family. I need to make it super special for the kids (and myself and B). We put our Christmas tree last night (C and I did), but I am still not feeling the Christmas spirit yet. I will get there, but it is just going to take some time (maybe the peanut rolls and grebble would help).

Monday, December 04, 2006

Three Down; Three To Go!

Today marks the half-way point in my class! I am still working on my paper. I have three sections left to write. Hopefully, I won't be too short on words when I go to edit the paper and add the direct quotes. I only got 4 hours sleep last night (I was up until 3 AM working on my paper) and do not write as well when I am tired. Three weeks, and three papers! This subject is more difficult that some of the others because it is an area that I am not as comfortable in as a few of my other classes. I will get through it, of that, I have no doubts. I just hope I can maintain my 'A.' A grade can change so quickly in this forum. One point on a paper could mean the difference between an 'A' and a 'B.' I know a 'B' is good too, but I would rather have an 'A.' (call it the perfectionist in me!) Some classes I am confident that I will get 'A,' and others I struggle and worry and only hope for an 'A.' When I struggle, I sometimes still end up with an 'A' but have ended up with a 'B' too.

When I am unsure of a subject, I sometimes have to fake the fact that I don't know a whole lot about what it is that I am writing about. (Yep, it is called BSing!) I can BS with the best of them. I have been in this program for a year and a half now and have not once read any of the assigned materials. I take that back I read the assigned reading materials the very first day of the first week of the program. That was enough for me to decide that I could research out any discussion question and answer the weekly questions that way, and I could BS my way through the rest. I pretty much know what teachers like to hear, and I know how to talk "business." I have BSed my way papers and received 100% on them. (I try not to do that anymore) I have written an entire paper the day that it is due and received 100% on it. (I have been known to push the midnight deadline a time or two)

I thought that this class ended on Christmas Day, but I forgot about winter break. Winter break starts in two weeks. It is a little silly to take a break so close to the end of class. I would rather just get the darn class over with and work straight through, but I am also looking forward to the break in order to finish getting ready for Christmas. My break starts on the 19th and ends on the 1st. My last week of class begins on the 2nd. At least I will be off school at the same time my kids are off from school. Their break begins on the 18th.

Well, I have a paper to finish! I better put on my BS hat (I think I may need it)! :)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Next Christmas Will Be Different!

Ok, I am vowing right now to give more handmade gifts next Christmas. The key is to start earlier in the year (maybe January!). I love giving handmade gifts. I hope the people that I give those gifts to like receiving them as much as I like giving them.

The trick to giving a handmade gift is to find something the person who will be receiving the gift really likes, collects, or has an interest. For example, my Dad has a clown collection which I started for him years ago. I paint him a clown every year for Christmas. (I have also bought him clowns, but I enjoy painting him clowns more.) Below is the clown which I painted for him last Christmas.

I paint every clown different from year to year. Two years ago, I painted a red, white, and blue clown for him. (In other words, everything on the clown was either red, white, or blue.) This year I painted a hobo in a tuxedo. After the clown is painted, I spray it with a glossy clearcoat in order to preserve the paint. This year's clown still needs to be sprayed and the eyes need to be fixed (no telling or showing my Dad, shhhhh).

The only advice that I can give is make the gift from your heart and have fun!

Give Me A Break!

I have been fighting a cold for two weeks now! I am sick of being sick! I have no idea how I got it either. Neither my husband nor my kids have been sick. I hardly leave the house. Yesterday, I sneezed all day long. I took a cold and sinus pill, which did not help at all. I feel a little better today, but that feeling could change by tonight.

Give me a break here! It never fails! I get sick every single December with a stupid cold. I remember three years ago. I was sick the entire month. I had to travel to Las Vegas for a business meeting too. I do NOT recommend flying if you have a head cold. It was 100 times worse when I got back, and I had a 3 to 4 hour drive after I got into town. Yuck!

I just hope that this feeling doesn't go away before I get my paper written today. I need to get it mostly drafted out today so that I can take tomorrow off.

Well, back to work while I can work!

Friday, December 01, 2006

A Good Weekend Project!

Are you looking for a good weekend project that is a "no brainer" kind of project? Take a look at this...

Here are two no-sew blankets that I made for my kids. The top was the blanket that I made for C, and the bottom was the blanket that I made for H. The blankets were not hard, a little time consuming, but pretty easy. If you know how to measure and tie a knot then you too can make this blanket.

These blankets are not only cute, but they are also pretty warm! They take a good two full days to make. To see the look on a child's face when they see their new blanket is well worth the time. As you can see from the picture, they are good sized blankets too. Just to give you a better idea of the size, the bed that H's blanket is laying on is a Queen sized bed.

If you are not up to the project, let me know, and I will make one for you (for a small price, of course!). If you are adventurous and decide to take on this project, good for you! Happy Tying!!