One Week To Go!
I have been in class for five weeks now. I only have one more week to go. I was really worried about my week five paper. This paper was the second part of an 18 week project required prior to graduating this M.B.A. program. I was worried about this most recent paper because I was not sure that I had read the syllabus correctly, and I was almost maxed out on my word count. I did not proof the paper myself either which I paid for in the grading. I got dinged a little bit for a couple minor grammar errors. The paper itself was worth 15 points, and I was able to pull out a 14.6. (Not bad considering I did not proof read the paper and finished writing it the day that it was due!). I ended up with a 96% overall in the class after week five. I only have one week left to go in this class. I have one more paper left to write and just a few days of participation left to do. I wish the week was over already. After this class, I have just two more classes (only 12 weeks) left in the program. I never imagined that I would ever make it this far!
I hope that my wrist holds out until after I graduate! I have a gangling cyst on the top of my left wrist. I have been holding off getting it taken care of for a year and a half - two years. I wanted to finish this program before I did anything with it in case I have to have surgery to get rid of it. The problem is that I am left handed, and I can't type very well with one hand. The more I use my hand the worse it feels. It sometimes hurts so bad and swells so much that I have a hard time bending my fingers. I am just scared that I will not be able to hold out until after graduation. I just have to take everything one week at a time.